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Road Map

Road Map

Out of direction Hamburg / Bremen / Oldenburg (from north)

If go on the A1/E37 toward Osnabrück / Dortmund. At the departure Alhorn/Vechta-north depart on the B69. through long estuary. Links turn up: K254 / Holtruper street. After 431 ms, you reached the stallion bearing Kathmann.

Out of direction Osnabrück / Münster (from south)

Go on the A1/E37 toward Bremen Oldenburg. At the connection place Cloppenburg (63) half to the right Emstek / Friesoythe / depart of A1 / E37, further on B72\Emsteker street toward Cloppenburg / Visbek. After 430 ms to the left turn on B72\Emsteker street toward Bühren. After 1.92 km in tailor pitcher to the right turn on B69\Hansestraße toward long estuary. After 3.40 km to the left turn on at the block toward Holtrup. After 240 ms half to the right hold on at the block toward Holtrup. After 1.54 km further on tailor way toward Holtrup. After 610 ms in Holtrup to the left turn on K254\Holtruper street. After 431 ms, you reached the stallion bearing Kathmann.

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